What is FatAnimal?

FatAnimal Finance (FatAnimal) is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) creator on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). FatAnimal uniquely presents the ancient Chinese belief, the BaZi system (Four Pillars of Destiny) on their platform. They aim to maximize the BaZi system with NFTs that have real use cases utilizing the FAT token. It’s already been confirmed that the FAT Market (Platform’s marketplace) will be released on 29 October 2021.

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Selling the destiny on FAT Market?

Last month, FatAnimal made the first collection of their NFTs, and it was a huge success for them. The first collection has 6,800 mystery boxes ($14.99 / box), but it sold out in only 10 minutes. Each card has its own status which consists of Eating Power, Animal type, and Self-Element which are related to the BaZi system.

FatAnimal Gachapon sold out in 10 minutes

Moreover, they’ve used some of the sales for buyback and burn tokens from circulating supply.

Over 4 million FAT tokens were burned

On the 28th of October 2021, FatAnimal will make a giant step forward by releasing the FAT Market. The platform’s Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market is known as FAT Market. In order to buy or sell FatAnimal NFTs, such as Animal cards or Item cards, users can use the FAT token as a medium of exchange. Every transaction on the FAT market generates incentives for the FAT holder because the team will use the transaction fee to buy back and burn the token, just like they did in Gachapon Sales. This is a good chance for all the FATters who want to prepare their cards before NFTs mining is launched.

NFT mining, trading, setting deck, and earning more FAT

Setting up your deck before you mine provides you with a significant advantage. The FatAnimal NFTs mining technology is based on the Chinese BaZi concept. According to the team, the more you know about it, the more FAT tokens you deserve to get. It’s important to note that the Eating Power of each animal card differs. The card can provide you with a lot of FAT tokens if you combine them with the correct components in your deck, such as other friends or similar elements.

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FatAnimal and BaZi chart

Higher eating capacity usually equates to greater mining capacity in order to obtain FAT tokens. FatAnimal, on the other hand, pushes far beyond the usual platform. Once you’ve placed your animals on the NFTs farm, they’ll work for you and gain FAT token! At this point, the BaZi system is involved because if you put the right combination together, the eating power will increase.

Additionally, you and your FatAnimal have the same habit. When you are hungry, you can not work as well as FatAnimal. It is better to include food in your card deck because it will give energy to the FatAnimal and increase their eating power. However, the food card is only valid for a limited duration. You may want to get it from a FAT market and stock up for your cute friends.

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The three musketeers: the friendship of animals making them stronger.

FatAnimal has released more updates on the NFTs mining on their Twitter. In FatAnimal, your animal gets stronger when they work with their friends. The combination of 3 animal cards will form the SAHA element and it will give a bonus to the mining power. When the SAHA is formed it will boost your Eating Power. 

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For instance, by Adding Pig Rabbit and Goat in the same card deck you will get SAHA Wood. Once you use SAHA Wood in the Spring Pool boost 100% of Eating Power because Wood is the element of the Spring season.

The combination of animals and SAHA bonus

It is a game-changer for the traditional Chinese belief because FatAnimal allows you to make animals produce FAT tokens for you.

Undoubtedly, there’s no reason for skipping the BaZi lesson. FatAnimal chose this fancy farming style to keep pacing with other mining platforms. NFT mining pool expects to launch within 1 month after the FAT market. We could see FatAnimal reaching various groups of users, not only the traders but also the collectors that can’t resist the power of cute FatAnimal!

Let’s see on Halloween how FatAnimal FAT Market changes the way you think about crypto and Chinese astrology and wait for the NFT mining to start soon.

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Learn More

Website: FatAnimal.finance

Twitter: @FatAnimalFarm

Telegram ANN: @FatAnimalAnnouncement

Gitbook: FatAnimalGitbook 


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