• Introducing Aztec: The Hybrid zkRollup Enabling Private Smart Contract Execution and Composability
  • Aave Joins Scroll Alpha Testnet for Competitive Edge in Ethereum Scaling
  • Yearn Launches Dump.Services: A Gas-Efficient Tool for Selling Multiple Tokens
  • ArbDoge.AI Partners with SpaceID Protocol for .arb Name Service Integration
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Introducing Aztec: The Hybrid zkRollup Enabling Private Smart Contract Execution and Composability

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Aztec Labs has announced an entirely new zkRollup, Aztec, that supports generalized private compute and enables private smart contract execution. 

Aztec is a hybrid public-private state machine that allows both public and private execution of smart contract logic, enabling programmable anonymity, data privacy, and confidential contracts. Aztec combines public and private execution into a single zkRollup, providing seamless composability across encrypted and unencrypted transactions, and enabling confidentiality and auditability. 

Aztec is not a zkEVM, but it allows public-private composability and aims to enshrine privacy at the base layer with the benefit of Ethereum’s security guarantees. Developers can expect a local testnet by the third quarter of 2023, and users and network stakeholders can expect to access a full-fledged public testnet by early 2024.

For more details, visit here

Aave Joins Scroll Alpha Testnet for Competitive Edge in Ethereum Scaling

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Aave has launched on the Scroll Alpha testnet, following approval from the Aave community. This move will enable Aave to participate in battle-testing and gain a competitive edge in zk rollup, which is widely considered the essence of Ethereum scaling. 

Aave believes that the Aave community and Scroll’s ecosystem are closely aligned, both working towards a decentralized and trustless financial infrastructure. However, some community members have expressed concerns about Aave deploying on the “young” Scroll ecosystem.

For more details, visit here

Yearn Launches Dump.Services: A Gas-Efficient Tool for Selling Multiple Tokens

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Yearn has launched, which is a CoW Swap-powered tool that enables users to sell multiple tokens in a single transaction. The tool empowers users to choose the token they want to receive, the receiving address, and the tokens they wish to dump. With just one click, users can then execute the dump. 

The development of this tool was funded by the CoW Grants Program and was created by Yearn to provide a gas-efficient solution for selling multiple tokens. Additionally, users can use account abstraction to execute dumps from different wallets or replace multiple approval and trade signatures. is now available on Ethereum mainnet for users to access.

For more details, visit here

ArbDoge.AI Partners with SpaceID Protocol for .arb Name Service Integration

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ArbDoge.AI, an Arbitrum meme project, has recently announced an exciting new partnership with SpaceID Protocol for .arb name service integration. 

To celebrate this partnership, ArbDoge.AI is giving away $50,000 worth of AIDOGE tokens on a first-come, first-served basis. This $50,000 value of $AIDOGE comes from a previous buyback and is a testament to ArbDoge.AI’s commitment to supporting its community. 

Earlier on April 30, The $100,000 buyback of $AIDOGE was finished. Including the $AICODE obtained from trading mining. All of them will be used for future Twitter campaigns.

For more details, visit here

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