Although the Scroll network has not officially announced it, a Scroll airdrop is likely coming soon. So far, the blockchain has launched its Alpha testnet and is close to rolling out its Zkrollup mainnet. This means the probability of an airdrop to hype the move to the mainnet is high. If these speculations are true, here is what you need to qualify for the scroll airdrop.

Key Insights

  • Learn how to add Scroll Alpha to your MetaMask account
  • Discover how to claim Goerli ETH and the best faucet to use
  • Learn how to bridge Goerli eth on Scroll L2
  • Identify ways to interact with the Scroll ecosystem
  • Understanding the unique value of Scroll Network

How to Qualify for Scroll Airdrop

Before starting to do the first step to qualify for the airdrop, please note that you must have a minimum of 0.001ETH in your wallet. This requirement is used from the Goerli faucet to prevent bots and abuse.

Here is a summary of all you need to know about how to qualify for the Scroll airdrop:

  1. Add Scroll Alpha Testnet to MetaMask
  2. Claim Goerli ETH from Goerli Faucet
  3. Bridge Goerli ETH to Scroll L2
  4. Transfer Test Tokens from Scroll L1 to Scroll L2 through the Bridge
  5. Interact with Scroll’s Ecosystem
  6. Deploy Smart Contracts

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Step 1: Add Scroll Alpha Testnet to MetaMask

After funding your wallet, connect it to the Scroll network’s Alpha test Net. Here’s how to do this.

  1. Navigate to the Scroll Alpha Testnet web page and click the Connect Wallet button at the right side of the Layer 1 option.
Add Scroll Alpha Testnet To Wallet
  1. You will receive a prompt to select a wallet. Tap on MetaMask to choose it as your preferred wallet.
Choose Metamask To Connect To Scroll
  1. This will open a MetaMask window asking you to set the MetaMask account you want to link to Scroll. Choose your preferred account by tapping the checkbox next to the account address, then click Next > Connect.
Connect Metamask To Scroll
  1. On the following tab, click Approve to verify Scroll network RPC details.
Approve Scroll To Connect To Metamask
  1. Once done, click on Switch network to change from MetaMask’s current network to Scroll.
Switch Network To Scroll

Step 2: Claim Goerli ETH from Goerli Faucet

With the Scroll network as your current MetaMask network, you need to claim Goerli ETH from a Goreli Faucet. Goerli ETH is a test token establishing that a blockchain’s transaction process runs effectively before it goes live with real crypto coins.

On the other hand, a faucet is a tool used to generate testnet tokens. To illustrate how to claim Goerli, we will use the Alchemy Goerli faucet. We chose this tool because it is fast, free, and requires minimal authentication.

Let’s explore the step-by-step instructions on how to claim Goerli from Alchemy.

  1. Visit the Alchemy Goerli Faucet website, and sign up for an account.
Visit And Sign Up Account On Alchemy Goerli Faucet
  1. Complete the account set-up process (Choose not a developer, then choose Ethereum network on the next page and choose Skip the following two set-up pages) and click the Let’s Build button to return to the site’s home page.
Complete The Account Setup Process
  1. Navigate to MetaMask, copy your wallet address, paste it into the Enter your wallet address section on Alchemy’s homepage, then click Send me ETH.
Send Eth To Your Wallet
  1. Complete the reCaptcha section, and you will receive 0.02 Goerli ETH in your MetaMask Wallet.

Step 3: Bridge Goerli ETH to Scroll L2

Bridging Goerli to Scroll L2 shows that the Scroll network can support cross-chain transfers. Let’s get Goerli ETH to Scroll through your MetaMask wallet.

  1. Visit Scroll chain’s Scroll Alpha bridge, scroll the homepage to find the Goerli section, and click the Connect wallet button below it.
Visit Scroll Chain'S Scroll Alpha Bridge
  1. This will open a MetaMask window asking you to select the MetaMask account you want to link to Scroll. Choose your preferred account by tapping the checkbox next to the account address, then click Next.Then, click Approve to confirm Goerli network RPC details.
Approve To Confirm Goerli Network Rpc Details
  1. Tap on the Switch network button to change from Scroll network to Goerli.
Switch Network From Scroll To Goerli
  1. Enter the amount of Goerli ETH you want to bridge. And click Send.
Enter The Amount Of Goerli Eth You Want To Bridge

Step 4: Transfer Test Tokens from Scroll L1 to Scroll L2 through the Bridge

You also stand higher chances of getting the Scroll airdrop if you transfer test tokens from Scroll L1 to Scroll L2 through the Bridge. Here’s a guide on how to achieve that.

  1. Return to the Alpha bridge and select your preferred network by clicking the “↓” button. Switch the positions of the networks until Scroll L1 is at the top and Scroll L2 is at the bottom.
  2. Choose the tokens you want to transfer and click Send.
Choose The Tokens You Want To Transfer From Scroll L1 To Scroll L2
  1. You will receive a pop-up asking you to confirm the transfer. 
  2. Once you confirm, the tokens will move from your Scroll L1 or Scroll L2 wallet.

Step 5: Interact with Scroll’s Ecosystem

The Scroll blockchain has several features to explore. First, you can interact with the platform’s Uniswap feature and participate in lucrative decentralized finance options. Here are a few Uniswap transactions you can make through the Scroll blockchain.

  • Wrap ETH to WETH
  • Trade USDC
  • Add liquidity to ETH-USDC pools

Besides interacting with Uniswap, Scroll users can also play Scroll Guardians. This boss-killing gaming finance (GameFi) title allows players to mint the hero of their choice as an NFT and use this hero to fight the boss Moloch.

For non-gaming Scroll enthusiasts, there’s also the option of interacting through the Scroll Guild. There is a team that fans can join to get roles. You must submit your wallet address, Discord ID, and Twitter handle to be eligible. Remember that the Twitter handle you submit must have existed before October 1, 2022.

Step 6: Deploy Smart Contracts

Scroll also has a chance for developers to benefit from the airdrop. All you need to do to be eligible for this is to deploy smart contracts to the network. Below are the steps to follow to deploy smart contracts on Scroll successfully.

  1. Complete steps 1 to 5 above
  2. Download and install Yarn and Nodejs software
  3. Visit Scroll’s GitHub page and clone the scroll-contract-deploy-demo repo
  4. Change your working directory to the Scroll-contract-deploy-demo and install Yarn.
  5. Open the .env.example file in the root directory and follow the example in it to create your own .env file.
  6. Change the private key in your .env file into your own private key.
  7. Compile the contract by running Yarn.
  8. Use the deploy:scrollTestnet command to deploy the contract on the Scroll Alpha Testnet.
  9. Run yarn test for hardhat tests.
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What is Scroll

Scroll Homepage

Scroll is an upcoming layer 2 Ethereum zero-knowledge protocol or an ETHzkrollup. The term zero knowledge, in this case, means that the Scroll blockchain uses the zero-knowledge consensus mechanism to validate transactions. 

Zero-knowledge is a way to verify the accuracy and completeness of a statement without exposing what the statement is. This process involves two parties, a prover and a verifier.

Typically, a prover submits the transaction to an algorithm that generates a true or false outcome based on its analysis. The verifier receives the algorithm’s result and approves or disapproves the transaction.

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How is the Scroll Network Different from Other Layer 2 Blockchains?

Scroll has many attributes that distinguish it from other rollups. Let’s explore a few of these unique traits and understand why they are so important.

  • Hierarchical Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) System: Scroll’s ZKP system orders transactions hierarchically. This makes verification easy and efficient to follow through.
  • Effective dApp communication: The protocol’s design aims to improve layer 2 ecosystems using the Scroll Bridge. This makes it easy for multiple decentralized applications (dApps) to communicate and interact through the platform.
  • L2 Mining: Scroll plans on introducing permissionless layer 2 mining. Miners will generate ZKPs and receive rewards for their efforts.


Scroll is a highly promising layer 2 EVMzkrollup. This platform ensures that Ethereum transactions are faster and more efficient. It helps link multiple networks, easing cross-chain transfers and improving communication between Ethereum-compatible blockchains.

Once the chain goes mainstream, these use cases will translate to a high success rate, meaning users with the Scroll token will likely make massive profits. Therefore, knowing and participating in all the steps that make you eligible for the Scroll airdrop is essential.

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