This weekly recap is for informational purposes, not investment advice. Readers will be responsible for all their actions.

Data on-chain 

Daily Transaction


Last week, the Daily Transaction on NEAR fluctuated relatively stable. It is possible that the price in the crypto market is generally not strongly volatile, and there is no special news in the NEAR ecosystem.

Daily Active Account & Newly Created Account 

2Ef Um3Lj 4Rbndqmtan Zv52Hgihmq Tv4Ih7Xixnxmux2Lzstnqwsgihzq8Ubb2Hukpzovf5Eshljygkzedhzd3Djyjahv 19Dk5K Kyckx Ptbfpyud5Qd3Jgwirun Itp3Ui

The number of active accounts fluctuates around 4000 – 5000, relatively stable. This shows that investors’ confidence is shaken, but they accept to stay then.

Ylqvnihfe6Dedoxlvbhjskyyiq 6Onnkigab9Ph 2Ffpimphg4Fai0Diqa5Iqhkbuurgmnogdexq3V Nz6Jior6Qshjffeshp4Ggdxj6Ohw4Jhyoscxe2

The number of new accounts can be divided into 2 drops. The first drop started from 6/7 to 9/7, the number of new accounts dropped from over 2000 to over 500. Then suddenly pumped back to the beginning of the week before continuing to drop around 1000. In general, we are seeing a cautiousness of investors and users; the number of new accounts dropped suddenly in the context of the price of NEAR being on a short-term downward trend.

Daily Number of Active and New Contracts

Vqrmth1 8Sddgwjzoyshmjtudqe7Dj6Bx5Oziyyn1Rk1Hvxocmyrl Yn7Tril1Kufujcjtzhaacdsfiquh4Fcv2A Mjy9Bv4Pqnfhb3Mfjpvj8Ipx4Hxbai 2Ykpqlskodwcpen4

The Daily Number of Active Contracts was almost unchanged in the week, increasing insignificantly by about 2%. Overall, it’s been a pretty peaceful week for NEAR.

Woagvof88Imtu0Yh5Od4Pxm2Zoamiz8Ns Jqwijesnwy0Cqjunqsp6Ymviw5Jzfaqreqeuy Sgs630Lmhl4F8Qavuo3Gwrcvnvw1Ib Gopshkyemwopepia0Hfw76Zzqzjydprqw

Experiencing slight fluctuations, at the end of the week, the Number of New Contracts increased by more than 89%, reaching the point of 36 compared to the point of 19 in 2021-07-06.

NEAR Performance 

M4Xibkv5Mn7Ehqvj4Lavarngcupbueocysz0Pijzftkfkka4Ibr5D8Egslm6Zv8Fcbcmwme83Ryboqg5 2Fzegg9Rfhc6 Upcrbrkahn Nv5Olxzbsxvxmdyvahuachsevs4Pqzk

(Source: CryptoStation,

The $2.2 zone is solid support for NEAR, and it is moving towards the $2.6 and $3.6 zones this July. If it loses the zone with $2.2, it will be predicted to get back to the $1.8 zone. 

Looking at it more broadly, over the past two weeks, NEAR has been the only one to grow among the top cryptocurrencies and other platform tokens. It also partly shows investors’ confidence in the project itself

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Panorama of the ecosystem

Comparing top 1 Dapp between ecosystem in last 7 days 


Last week, we could see that NEAR’s Ref Finance is outperforming Dapps in other ecosystems. The number of users increased by more than 80%, far ahead of other competitors in terms of speed. This could be a positive sign for the future.

Near ecosystem on creator economy triangle 

Bmwz50Xoc2P8G2Dmesuww39Gftq1K6Ig2Lskyr5Z2Bkdj Jsqzytgngc Yf783X0 Xwvxzxvb3R1Ad6Ttasx0Q J2Vltskwrcrhigtw4Ax L

NEAR Protocol‘s CEO Erik Trautman showed how the virtuous circle of NFTs, DAOs, and Open finance “DeFi” will unlock the new creator economy. Take a brief of blog below: 

NFTs are basically digital containers that can hold IP but liberated it to be owned and traded, so creators have a world of new ways to produce, distribute, remix and monetize content.

DAOs are basically like shared bank accounts for entirely digital communities, so it’s elementary for communities to act almost like official co-ops or companies and build sustainable models for themselves. 

Open (“decentralized”) Finance is a whole toolkit that allows creators, communities, NFTs, DAOs, fungible tokens, and all the other pieces of the digital economy to plug into each other in ways that no one has ever done before, allowing entirely new ways of earning income for creators or benefitting from the upside of membership for community members.

You can read all of them here How blockchain will save the Creator Economy 

Important Updated 

7Fdx5Lf51Yahonyfowxbtlbi1Ezowtkk8Xfondafpiiugjmaeytvynhdbh4Hd L3U5Eeocvtqliwbjbu

The $REF token is officially live

Uhpbp4Rnfdk20Wfmnilcsokey6Xtkba821Upcekcdedgao Sff5Mwvcopml

Ref Finance combines several core components: decentralized exchanges, lending, synthetic asset issuers, and more — into a single, synchronized DeFi application.

The ref will take full advantage of NEAR’s low fees ($0.005 per swap), one- to two-second final times, and WebAssembly-based runtimes to compete even with the cost and speed of other CEX exchanges and become a powerful addition to the increasingly diverse multi-chain DeFi ecosystem.

You can read details at Ref Finance and $REF. is the first major DeFi… | by Ref Finance | Jul, 2021 

Proposal: $REF Auction on Skyward 

F13Un53Dw9Fhepaffka L6Szqnz8Er18Jy U6Ikvtvcqfv2Noms Lkozgpajxu3Sujc23El77Ebfnnuzvi3Kxtjazu4

Ref Finance shared their $REF Auction on Skyward Finance, it makes people so excited to wait for the official distribution. You can read details at Proposal: $REF Auction on Skyward 

Skyward Finance raised over 1,2 M $NEAR

Xbsnycutyjrbnn52Its9Xbzhuebktw8Wa9Xax2Z00G2Uz8Td635Tegb8I9Feai6Re7K5Ha427Jxryq 3X6Ay7Wbohkbu8Zlu1Og3Pgsrhj Yjhwjiz8 Dcpldrzukkh6M1Ejt1T1

The first sale of Skyward Finance was a huge success. Skyward Finance is a fully permissionless open-sourced launchpad that allows projects to launch their tokens without any liquidity with the best price discovery mechanism that’s resistant to bots and Sybil attacks.

NEAR Protocol gets Listed on KuCoin

Qkzaj5S 8Smio0Ie1Jjr5Yvkcamq6Opse2Nge2Rzelz5Cor4Ollm7Zraodydyset19Ke959T 93Gsjwzo4Zd3Va

NEAR Protocol just got listed on Kucoin Exchange

Deposit: Now on Kucoin Mainnet

Trading: 10:00 on July 9 UTC

Withdrawal: 10:00 on July 10 UTC

You can see the timeline history of NEAR Protocol token listed on exchange here:

V8Rkrbexukpeumrchxdszqjg9Hitpg L Kx Fvfhkwr0Gndkwi6B7B Tatmz53Rztpwsviisgy4Dil0Fzckarassvgigasfwecnpf1P Szvr6Rsx6Am58V K8D2Hahyjozl1H4Hj

NEAR Protocol x KuCoin giveaway campaign with $40,000 in the NEAR prize pool

Tkxyiq8V8Sqyan5Nqbnjtwaypmbd87O8R 35F0T6 Ler0Bmk90Hy8Ceswjvcrahdwlezvqxhntqlbgkiwfbgyaescwa9Byj8O2 Aal3Qf6Iiiohylyrhkjorvgqipro4Hggzfblu

To celebrate NEAR Protocol being listed on Kucoin, there will be $40,000 in $NEAR reward pool to giveaway for qualified KuCoin users. The campaign ended on July 16. 

HEO.Finance Roadmap Announcement

Jwsrm6Wbjxhn Ssqb8Yzim7Qf6Wm

The timeline of the deployment to mainnets and of the TGE may be subject to change.

Octopus Guild Goes Live

Octopus Guild is a community of developers, enthusiasts, appchains, and appchain candidates within the Octopus Network crypto networks.

Establishing NEAR Wiki

Proposal to start a NEAR Wiki to capture everything from “why near,” basics about technical to community and guild structure. NEAR wiki is where a person can learn from basics about NEAR, its mission, and vision; learn strengths of the protocol and see how it compares to other potentially familiar chains; learn about ecosystem (guilds). You can read more detail Establishing NEAR Wiki – Ecosystem 

NEAR AMA With Taraxa Project


Last Thursday, NEAR and Taxara organized an AMA. In this session,  CEO and CTO from Taxara chat with NEAR’s Developer Relations Director Matt Lockyer about some of the hottest topics in today’s blockchain ecosystem: Building successful Layer-1 ecosystems, Leveraging blockchain technology for non-financial applications & use cases.

Mintbase integrates with 3xr virtual world

Mintbase will integrate with the VR world of This feature is available for all projects on NEAR Protocol & enabled by Mintbase, like DAO records music NFTs gallery below.

Vwbxjkliwd0Cradwojvqw4Lhucvljhzettihlzc Dnk30Gkctxiwwh3Jgrwlcfu4Njlok Olilwolzwiofcncdvqddbsjegk Bmuslq9Wzirs0Nz37J Bgrbmrlvak Irpeaqz 0

Graffbase launches at CAWA on July 10th

Graffbase is working with Graffiti crew STC & Crypto Art Week Asia for the official launch party in Cryptovoxels on 10 July with Mintbase & DAO Records supports.

Textile is Building Filecoin storage bridge on NEAR testnet

6F6Xajfitejo8Xut9Aehjhomgvt5Ahdmml6C1Olzcwee T3Oiotswk3K9Ga2Gk2Rv5Rrum9W2E598768 Suvletvovczcwy2Yngt0A6Psm4Pkyosp Ou0Bpqmk9Ge1Zlggelywa

Textileio is building Filecoin storage bridge to leverage decentralized storage from blockchains including NEAR Protocol, Ethereum, Polygon, and others. You can read more detail Textile unveils plans to bring native Filecoin storage to NEAR, ETH, Polygon, and others

This is how it works

​​Exssauu7Benkgcbuyzz8Realtbkt73Zr75Skxm Wl61Gzkumjgyu1Movjeql4Nmuttm0Kfdoauntxgytmnjljnhluxysiqabmel6Ab U37B5 Mcre Juvywu Vmkllg Nesck7Jm

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